Elizabeth Sanicola
Wondering what I’m all about?
Take a peak into my world and all the things I’ve learned thus far. It’s a lifelong journey and I’m excited to share my ups and downs with you. I have way too many interests for my own good so always have a few projects I’m dedicating my “spare” time to. It’s a wonder I remember my own name most days, but I’m always on the lookout for helpful tips and information that I can share. If nothing else, I love to pare it down to the most useful kernals and do what I can to simplify life.
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The seven week shift – regaining sanity after a newborn
The joy and awe of having a newborn is immense, and overwhelming. This is especially the case when you have two other kids running around with the same needs they've had for the past 2 and 4 years. As with any new addition to a family, sleep is highly coveted...
Musical Beds: Unexpected visitors and siblings sharing a bedroom
We have made a transition and our two girls, now aged 4 and 19 months are sharing a bedroom. Other than the occasional early wake-up call, it's gone pretty seamlessly. Our youngest (for the next 6 weeks at least) is still in a crib and the elder is in a twin bed. They...
Sticking with your commitment to healthy habits
With the start of the New Year there's a large increase in healthy eating, which usually means more people are working on healthy habits. As a family, this is a goal we've been working on for some time though we still have a long way to go. Looking back over the past...