If you have a child anything like mine, they’ll have been drooling like Niagra Falls since the tender age of two months. Fast forward to six months and they’ll graduate to gnawing on every available object that comes within reach, including (but not limited to) fingers, toes, toys, stuffed animals, tables, utensils, limbs, burp cloths, limbs, jewelry and so much more. Add to that the unexplained changes to their sleep patterns along with unprecedented bouts of crying and well, eventually you’ll surmise that your little cherub is finally, at least…most likely, cutting a tooth. That said, any and all of the above can continue for months on end with no tooth in sight. It’s all rather predictable really, I don’t know what anyone could possibly be mystified about.

My new motto: “When all else fails, blame it on teething.”

Being forewarned is definitely being forearmed. Here are a few of my teething necessities:

aden + anais burp bibs – These are amazing. They not only soak up just about anything that comes within a foot of them, they have such amazing coverage. Now that Lena is getting seriously active, she can twist and turn to her heart’s delight and still be covered! Granted, I have to change these out three to four times a day but this has done wonders for her prickly neck rash and keeping her clothes presentable through most of the day.

Sophie – It’s inexplicable…but this is definitely a crowd favorite for teethers. This model is a bit smaller than the traditional Sophie but easier for little hands to grasp and manipulate. We really don’t go anywhere without Sophie in tow!

Fridge/freezer teethers – We have a few of these and Lena’s favorite happens to be a somewhat flat and smooth variety (the keychain was a non-starter). My guess is every child has their preference but it’s a good idea to have a few of these on hand just in case the phantom teeth choose an inopportune time to strike.

Spiffies – Thanks to my sister-in-law (and her parents who are both dentists!), we came across these little gems. When refrigerated, they provide great relief to teething babes and have been shown to reduce cavities. They are just as effective as brushing!

As a last resort, you can always speak to your doctor about using a pain reliever. We found that just one dose while going to bed allowed her to get a good night’s sleep with minimal interruption even on the worst teething days.

At almost seven months old, Lena has two shiny new teeth to show off. She really enjoys smacking her lips or tapping at them with rattles and other toys. She worked hard on those little chompers, she should be proud!

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