So not ready for three!
Not three kids, three years old (Maggie is only 8 months, don’t even tell me you were really going there!)! Our oldest is about to turn three and I can’t handle it. While her early stages are fading from memory she is still my baby. It feels like yesterday that she was finally sleeping through the night, rolling over, crawling, taking her first steps, saying her first words and being her silly chubby self with a ridiculous gutter laugh. How can she be almost three?!
I adore how she is evolving before my very eyes and turning into a sweet, considerate, caring, mischievous, curious, stubborn, inventive and loving little girl. But I really can’t believe it’s been three years since I first saw those sweet little hands curl around my finger. It’s been a miraculous journey and I can’t wait to see what life has in store for us next. If you need me, I’ll be going through my archives of pictures and videos….
- The day she was born
- That girl loves her baths
- Finding her feet
- Cool customer at 2
- Hamming it up for the camera
I primarily use iPhoto to manage all my pictures and videos. I’m sure there’s a way to be more organized about it, but for me…simple is best. I don’t have the time to sort, tidy and re-sort so everything just goes in as a lump and I can scroll through based on the timeline. What are your tried and true methods for archiving your family memories?
I want to know!