A little dust MAY just be hurting you and your health

House cleaning has never been one of my favorite jobs. In fact, I used to avoid it at all costs. Way back in my single days, I'd keep things neat but I was never fastidious about vacuuming and dusting, to say the least. I always...

Garden Goals: Multi-purpose, multi-functional or bust

We started the spring season out with our usual flurry of planning and making a few purchases to round out our once barren landscape. When we moved into our house, more than half the yard was overtaken with bamboo. For the survival of...

Putting the Phone Down – Unintended Repercussions & Bittersweet Perks

I wasn't able to focus on the things that mattered most. I’ve been trying to stay off my phone lately, social media and the like. My reasoning is largely because I find myself unable to focus on certain tasks as long as I’d like. I also...
Elizabeth Sanicola

Elizabeth Sanicola

In the age of technology, it seems that people have never been so far apart. We are all consumed by work, the necessities of coping with day-to-day life, the pressures of nurturing our families and the constant bombardment of the digital world. It’s impossible to put down any one of the balls we are all juggling, nor should you. My goal is to help bring some clarity and sanity to your life so you can get back to what you do best, living life to its fullest.

Wondering what I’m all about? 

Take a peak into my world and all the things I’ve learned thus far. It’s a lifelong journey and I’m excited to share my ups and downs with you. I have way too many interests for my own good so always have a few projects I’m dedicating my “spare” time to. It’s a wonder I remember my own name most days, but I’m always on the lookout for helpful tips and information that I can share. If nothing else, I love to pare it down to the most useful kernals and do what I can to simplify life.

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