Elizabeth Sanicola
Wondering what I’m all about?
Take a peak into my world and all the things I’ve learned thus far. It’s a lifelong journey and I’m excited to share my ups and downs with you. I have way too many interests for my own good so always have a few projects I’m dedicating my “spare” time to. It’s a wonder I remember my own name most days, but I’m always on the lookout for helpful tips and information that I can share. If nothing else, I love to pare it down to the most useful kernals and do what I can to simplify life.
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Backyard Vegetable Garden Must Haves
So, we've been doing this whole backyard garden thing for a while now. Every year we add a little more ground or another raised bed to expand our already, rather large vegetable garden. Along the way, we've picked up some great tools and even made a few of our own to...
How to Curb Parenting Frustration and Find More Patience
Parenting frustration is real and it's here to stay. We can only work on how we cope with it. How many times have you gotten crazy frustrated with your kids lately? Have they asked the same question incessantly? Have they pushed your buttons one too many times? Are...
Wondering how to “do it all”? – 5 ways to regain self worth
Being a parent is incredibly demanding work and our self worth is irrevocably tied to our measure of "success". Success is a completely arbitrary measure! From the outside looking in, it's so easy to think that someone "has it all together" or somehow manages to "do...