Elizabeth Sanicola
Wondering what I’m all about?
Take a peak into my world and all the things I’ve learned thus far. It’s a lifelong journey and I’m excited to share my ups and downs with you. I have way too many interests for my own good so always have a few projects I’m dedicating my “spare” time to. It’s a wonder I remember my own name most days, but I’m always on the lookout for helpful tips and information that I can share. If nothing else, I love to pare it down to the most useful kernals and do what I can to simplify life.
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Confused about Organic Food? Truth vs. Misconceptions
In recent years there's been a huge increase in the number of organic products available. I'm as guilty as the next person for grabbing organic over conventional products, but does the label actually mean it's better for you? When I make my food choices, I like to be...
Elderberry Syrup and Boosting your Immunity
Germ season just doesn't want to end this year. Just when I finally think we're all healthy, bam...someone starts a fever or complains of a sore throat. Adding insult to injury, we're expecting snow again this week. Isn't today the first day of Spring?...
Back to School is Bittersweet: Start the year off with goals
It's funny, but I didn't really get emotional about my oldest starting Kindergarten this year. She's ready, I'm ready. She's going to do great. Am I worried about how she'll fit in, what she'll learn and what bad habits she might bring home? Sure. But I'm a person who...