I read an article recently which spoke about the joys and challenges we face every day as parents. It really resonated with me and reminded me how important it can be to live in the moment. We constantly question ourselves and face frustration, happiness, despair and wonder all within seconds of each other. At the end of every day/week/month, I think the main thing is to be content with what you have wrought. Be it a behavioral hurdle, an organizational conundrum solved or a work project completed, there is always something to be recognized as a success. With the millions of decisions and problems we face every day it’s so easy to lose track of the good stuff and focus on the tedious or the negative things we face.
As the girls grow, I often wish I had a camera crew recording their every moment. Amid all the chaos, frustration and exhaustion of getting from one day to the next there are such amazing moments of pure bliss. If only I could freeze those moments and remember them as vividly as I do now. Lena’s dirty laugh, her little girl voice, Maggie’s first big giggle and her newfound screeches…the list is endless. I know we will have more but these past three years have gone by entirely too fast and I have a terrible memory. I take hundreds of photos and videos but I know that I will still forget so much.
We are raising children in such a unique world, one in which technology plays a huge role in facilitating our record keeping. More than once every day I wish I had a camera crew following me around to help capture those precious/comical/exasperating moments that are so dear to me. Through all the tears and angst, I can’t say there isn’t any stage that I wouldn’t want to freeze forever. I live in dread of the girls growing older only to revel in the joy they bring with each transition and new accomplishment. So don’t mind my phone being constantly in hand as I try in vain then capture the elusive moments that make my family so unique and a profound joy to be part of.